Custom Medals and Personalised Ribbons
Custom medals are available in multiple shapes and sizes in a number of plating and colour combinations. Create your own unique medal to give as a corporate gift or just for to congratulate that special someone. Our medals are made from brass and rhodium plated to ensure the highest quality and durability. Provide us with your logo and desired colours and we will do the rest!
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Custom Medal and Ribbon Clients
What better way to commemorate a special occasion or to award someone who deserves to be rewarded than with custom medals, personalised ribbons, trophies or a commemorative plaque.
At Ties ‘n’ Cuffs, we believe the power lies in the tiniest of accessories. And with the help of customisation, we are here to create beautiful commemoration pieces that will not only represent your brand but also serve as a lasting memory piece for the person who receives the award – whether that person is a valued employee at your company or a loved one who has accomplished something very important.
Our design team work hard to create pieces that are unique and reflect the image of your company. The custom medals we design are available in multiple shapes and sizes and in a number of plating and colour combinations.
Let us help you create a product that will serve as a worthy corporate gift or one that is used to congratulate that special someone. Our medals are made from brass and are rhodium plated to ensure the highest quality and durability. From silver to gold, trophies, ribbons or plaques, we can assure you that our quality products are set to impress anyone and everyone.
All you need to do is to provide us with your logo, with your desired colours or with any other design or words that you would like to feature on the piece and then you can sit back and leave the rest of the work to us.
Meet our designers who are always happy to help